Coronavirus survival on cardboard
COVID-19 particles can survive on cardboard, though not for as long as you think.
After 8 hours, approximately 15% of viral particles will remain on cardboard.
Most viral particles will have decayed at that point.
How they measured it
Scientists measured this by placing a small amount of COVID-19 viruses on cardboard. They then swabbed the surface and estimated the number of viral particles at each pre-defined time point.
Full COVID-19 Curve on Cardboard
The full dataset for coronavirus on cardboard suggests that coronavirus exponentially decays on cardboard. About a third of coronavirus will be gone within 4 hours, and over 80% will be gone after 8 hours.
Coronavirus on Cardboard vs Other Surfaces
COVID-19 viruses live nearly twice as long on plastic surfaces, compared to cardboard.
Half of COVID-19 particles on a cardboard box decay every 3.5 hours, which is approximately half as long as the 7 hour half life for plastic.