Which is better, plant proteins or animal proteins?. A new study shows that plant proteins may protect against heart disease and stroke. In general, animal protein was not shown to have harmful or beneficial effects.
Processed foods have been controversial among nutritionists and physicians. Two new studies of over 44,000 French Adults looked at how processed food affects health outcomes. Individuals who ate more processed food in the study had.
The Federal Government has advocated for providing breakfast in classrooms, among other interventions, to get kids to eat more breakfast. Researchers conducted a clinical trial to see whether breakfast in classrooms actually helped kids. Surprisingly, classroom breakfast and nutrition education increased obesity in students.
A new study links mushroom consumption with a reduced cognitive impairment risk. While the study only demonstrates a correlation, the results add to a body of evidence showing the importance of diet in dementia prevention. Mushrooms, Vegetables, and a Mediterranean Diet have all been linked to better cognition in the elderly.
How you eat may determine how well you sleep. A study on 1,936 Italian adults found that those who ate a Mediterranean Diet were much more likely to sleep well compared to those who did not. This effect was only observed in normal weight and overweight individuals.
Keto diets may help with fatty liver disease (NAFLD). A study in diabetic patients found that ketogenic diets may reduce liver fat and chances of fibrosis. Patients who received 1 year of keto coaching also experienced weight loss and blood cholesterol improvements.
At least 20% of BMI variation is driven by genetics. A new study finds that you can protect yourself by eating fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables both may potentially reverse the effects of genetics on weight gain.
A new study suggests that eating more colorful foods may be good for you. Flavonoids, which are responsible for some colors in plants, may help you live longer. n fact, they may provide some protection against the negative health risks of smoking and drinking.
Dietary Fiber has been shown to reduce diabetes, colon cancer, and overall mortality. The more fiber you eat, the lower your risk. We show the raw data behind these findings and the best sources of fiber.
Most of us know that diet and exercise are great for your body, health, and mood. It turns out that they are also great for your mind. Just 6 months of diet and exercise intervention was enough to significantly improve cognition.
Did you know that how you eat affects how well you sleep?. A small experiment found that eating less and eating more balanced meals improves sleep quality. Additionally, those who ate more fiber had better sleep.
Studies have found a significant association between chocolate consumption and a reduced risk of heart disease. In these studies, it is difficult to account for all the other factors that influence heart disease risk. It is best to consume chocolate along with a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Not all fats are created equal. Saturated fats such as butter are known to be bad for your heart health. Other fats like olive oil are more beneficial to your heart health in moderation. A new study compares three common types of fats to see which is better for your heart.
A new cohort study links Vitamin B6 and B12 supplements with hip fractures. 75,804 patients were followed and surveyed about nutrition habits. The highest risks were seen in volunteers who took high doses of Vitamin B6 and B12.
A new massive study of nearly half a million people found that egg consumption is associated with protection from heart disease and stroke. The more often the patients ate eggs, the lower their odds of a heart attack. Eating egg also led to a very steep drop in their risk of hemorrhagic stroke.
A new robust study shows that low carb diets don't just help you lose weight, they also help you burn more calories by increasing metabolism. Patients who were assigned to eat low carb diets burned more calories than those on higher carb diets. Patients also had higher good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad lipids. (Triglycerides).